the page
the pen
art to make
Just another voice in the digital noise that is the Internet.
Big companies are very conservative. They confuse OSS with Freeware and think anything that you can use for free is "Worth what you pay for it". Very few use OSS and some have policies against it. Because of the way OSS is developed it is also highly adaptable. Can an enterprise be more innovative by using OSS and still maintain the support it needs?
New start-up businesses should be using open source. The ability to change the programs to meet the needs of their business model is paramount. OSS products often have a "community version" that can be used for free. The old questions of to "Build or Buy" should be answered "You should buy and build". Fee OSS software comes without support so hiring the right people to support your enterprise is crucial. Start-ups run on people. I'm saying these people need to have OSS talent.
These are all Open Source and ready to run your enterprise.
Orange HRM is the leading open source HRM and provides a flexible and easy to use HRM system.
The project was started during fall 2005 and the
first beta release was made in January 2006. Today OrangeHRM has users
worldwide enjoying a free, stable and highly usable HRM solution. The
system is backed by professional support and services as well as a fast
growing, receptive and knowledgeable worldwide open source community.
By building and leveraging this community of users, developers and
partners, the usability, scope and international adoption of OrangeHRM
is continuously being improved.
- manages electronic medical records. It has been deployed by several state and private employers and medical facilities around
the country. The open-source version of VistA, which is an enterprise grade
health care information system developed by the U.S. Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) and deployed at nearly 1,500 facilities
Customer Management
SugerCRM is an innovative customer relationship management software
Open For Business (OfBIZ) is Open Source ERP, CRM (Like Sugar), E-Business / E-Commerce , SCM, MRP,
CMMS/EAM and POS. Need I say more?
Why pay millions to Epicor, Oracle, Lawson, Infor or Microsoft when you can manage all your customers for the cost of the hardware and people to manage it.
OfBIZ can provide
Pentaho - Is business intelligence (BI) software for data integration, query, reporting, interactive analysis, dashboards and data mining. Pentaho is alrady being used by organizations like U.S. Naval Air Systems Command, Lifetime Networks and Terra Industries. Some people are shocked to learn this is Open Source software.
The first word in data processing is data. We move data, copy data, transform data, mediate data into new data and move it again. As a systems administrator I've written hundreds of programs to manipulate data in a automated fashion. When I learned about Pentaho I wondered where it had been all my life. Here is the video I found.
Pentaho is starting to get attention.
Zamanda - Amanda is a popular open source backup tool. ZAmanda is the chimerical version with a web interface. Amanda comes with may OpenSource operating systems and is said to be protecting more than half a million servers and
desktops running various versions of Linux, UNIX, BSD, Mac OS-X and
Microsoft Windows operating systems worldwide.
I feel ZAmanda big stright is it uses industry tape structures. (tar and dump) Because of this your data is recoverable, even without using Amanda tools. Your data is yours. You don't need to find your license or repurchase any software to recover your data in a desastor.
Zmanda’s innovations include technology to backup data from live applications and databases directly to a storage cloud.
Check out the Zamanda Demo.
Communications - Email and Phones
Zimbra - Is a complete replacement for Microsoft Exchange and Active Directory. It provides eMail, client messaging and collaboration, group calendaring, VoIP, shared contacts, web document management and authoring.
Zimbra offers Zimbra Mobile, which provides over-the-air "push" synchronization to smartphones as well as a Connector for BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Zimbra is being used by companies like Yahoo, ComCast and me for customer email systems.
Astrec - Asterisk is the world's leading open source PBXi, telephony engine, and telephony applications toolkit. Offering flexibility unheard of in the world of proprietary communications, Asterisk empowers developers and integrators to create advanced communication solutions...for free.
Desktop Office Applications
Open Office
is a free cross-platform office application suite available for a number of different computer operating systems. It supports the ISO/IEC standard OpenDocument Format (ODF) for data interchange as its default file format, as well as Microsoft Office formats among others.
Every time Microsoft make a change to MS Office employees have to relearn where each feature have moved. The last update to MS Office was big. If your employees are going to have to learn something new my not have them learn Open Office. It is very close to the last release of MS Office. The next time you need to update your office productivity ivy software you will not have to pay for it twice.
We're still on the roof of launch control. The night launch was spectacular.The night launch was stunning. I would have loved to been there and seen it with my own eyes. Traci (my daugher) didn't think I would stay up to watch. She should know better. I've been a space nut all my life. I stayed up late to watch man walk on the moon in my living room at the age of tweleve and not much has change about my interest in space. Watching things like this makes feel like that little kid again.
Thanks for your prayers and support. Lorrie
mdadm --detail /dev/md0 |
mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda2 |
This exersize will build a RAID-5 with three disks and then remove and rebuild one of them.
CentOS 4.4 i386 install with raid and testing of raid recovery There are some differences between version of Redhat / Fedora Linux. The bigest one found was putting back an existing disk into the array. Some use the -a option and others use the --re-add option. When one works the other does not return an error. CentOS 4.4 and mdadm 1.6.0-3: |
Boot from first cd/dvd or rescue cd
If using the first cd/dvd, type linux rescue at the boot: prompt
You can let it automatically mount your partitions, but they don't unmount manually
if you do. So it is technically better to hand mount each partition.
If you do it manually be sure to bind /dev, /proc, and /sys from the rescue
environment to your chroot environment. I also think the automatic method forgets
some of these, so you still may to do them manually.
mount /dev /mnt/sysimage/dev -o bind
mount /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc -o bind
mount /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys -o bind
Run chroot /mnt/sysimage to turn your normal environment into your working environment.
Once you have done chroot you need to reinstall grub.
>From /sbin/grub-install:
$grub_shell --batch $no_floppy --device-map=$device_map <<EOF >>$log_file
root $1
setup $force_lba --stage2=$grubdir/stage2 --prefix=$grub_prefix $2
Example with /boot as part of /:
/sbin/grub --device-map=/boot/grub/
root (hd0,0)
setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --prefix=/boot/grub (hd0)
root could really be called boot. root is the command to tell it what partition to
find the grub files on.
With setup the prefix doesn't apply to the stage2 option. It wants an absolute path
to where it can find the stage2 file. The prefix is more of where can it expect to
find the grub files relative to the partition you told it with root.
Example with /boot as it's own partition:
/sbin/grub --device-map=/boot/grub/
root (hd0,0)
setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --prefix=/grub (hd0)
Note the /grub instead of /boot/grub on the prefix option. That is because /grub is
the path it will find the grub directory at if it is using /boot as / for that stage
of the boot process.
(hd0) in the example above is the hard drive you are installing grub on to. Grub
goes into it's master boot record. If you are using a raid array you can install it
to each hard drive by just repeating the root and setup commands. Use (hd1,0) and
(hd1) instead of (hd0,0) and (hd0), and so on.
Example output from grub:
grub> root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --prefix=/boot/grub (hd0)
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... yes
Checking if "/boot/grub/stage2" exists... yes
Checking if "/boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5" exists... yes
Running "embed /boot/grub/e2fs_stage1_5 (hd0)"... 16 sectors are embedded.
Running "install --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+16p
(hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/grub.conf"... succeeded
Adding missing modules to initrd:
rm -f /boot/initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
mkinitrd --preload=xor --preload=raid456 /boot/initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
Manually changing initrd:
mkdir /root/initrd-tmp
cd /root/initrd-tmp
cp -a /boot/initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img ..
mv ../initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img ../initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img.gz
gunzip ../initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img.gz
cpio -i --make-directories < ../initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
vi init
find . -depth | cpio -o > ../initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
cd ..
rm -rf initrd-tmp
gzip -9 initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
mv initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img.gz initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img
mv initrd-2.6.20-1.2320.fc5.img /boot
system-config-network or /etc/system/network-config/ifcfg-eth?
I love my doughter and we talk often. We have a very trusting, open relationship. She is 15. To help me with the heckic paise of her world, I added her to my Cingular phone system for only $9.99 a month. Life was good, and the phone made picking her up school, gym, and work, easier with the simple words, "where are you" just like in the commericals.
All was well untill she, or a friend she lowned her phone to, sent a text message to a "Free ring tone" service seen on TV. You know the ones. The ads with the small print reading "monthly charges of $29.50". The next month my bill had gone from about $140 to $350.
Needless to say I took the phone away from her and turned it off. I keept it in my desk drawer at work. Then grounded her for a month. Still the charges keep comming. $450 and I started to get past due. Then $540. The payments where hard to keep up with and one month my cell phone bill was over $1200 in current and past due charges.
What I didn't know, but suspected, was how shady these companies really are and how the phone companies, Cingular in my case, work with them. Not only did my doughter get the monthly riging tone charge but lots of other charges from places I still can't find any information on. For months I tried, in vain, to have these charges stopped and removed from my billing. I have learned is called cramming.
I called Cingular to have the charges removed. Each month I ask for an accounting of the charges. I ask how many there where, who they where from and how much each charge was. I was told one month "I will remove this one. I don't know why your doughter would download the same ring tone five times." Even after they took off charges some months I was left to paid $80 to $150 in 3rd party charges to keep my phone.
Cingular syyley removed charges without removing them all. My shyley I mean they would remove them without telling me who made the charges are what they where for.
Just when I thought I had this cleaned up it started again. I needed it all to stop. I couldn't pay my medical expencies and the phone bill. My two year contract has expired, so I turned off the phones and waited for the account to be stoped. I was afreed to pay the bill because I didn't want the cramming to start again. This was a BIG mistake.
With my account "terminated", I coun't pay the bill on-line. They turned off my web account as well. I couldn't pay my bill over my phone because my phone was dead and I gave up my home "land line" phone years ago to go cellular only. So I took time off work and went into their store. I paid a large portion of what I owed the day my service ended.
I ask the sales person about the charges and tried to get them taken off agian. He told me they couldn't do it at the store. Odd because they had done it for me at this very store just two months before. The Cingular person said I would need to call the customer support center.
I called and was told after have some more charged removed (they did another $130+) they would reinstate my account. I did, they didn't. Now that my ballance is ZERO (0) they want $500 deposit to open a new account. I told them Goodby.
I liked Cingular. I was a customer for six years. I paied thousands to them in that time. I esimate it is something like $10,000 plus over the years. I'd like to have a Cingular account still. My friends and older son are on Cingular. But this is too much to take.