Monday, February 05, 2007


This is my first post on Blogger. I maintain this page to make it easy to post to other peoples blogs.

I have a domain of my own. WWW.GRENNAN.COM is where I do my blogging. I've own for almost ten years now. You can find some evidence of this at the way back machine. was not my first blog. I started with a bulletin board system call SOURCEry System and ran it from 1986 to 1990. SOURCEry System was dedicated to the discrimination of source code of computer applications. It didn't start the Open Source movement but this system was very much embodied the spirit of what is called Open Source today. I collected and distributed the source code to programs like, ARC, Xmodem, PGP and other programs so people could create the programs they wanted and needed.

And that mostly sums up my life in the computer business. I've always been so fare ahead of the next big thing people just thought I was full of shit and I've left it behind for the next thing even before it became big.

My only regret? Not taking a job with the basic interpreter company when they called me in 1983. I thought compilers like CBasic. The companies name is Microsoft.